

'Exceedingly funny, often in some of its darkest moments.'

The Hollywood Reporter

Lotterywest Films / Drama
Past Event

Important Update: Tonight's screening (Thu 13 Mar) at Lotterywest Films has been cancelled due to severe weather. All ticket holders will receive and automatic refund. We hope to see you back soon.

A masterpiece of shifting tonal registers, Matthias Glasner’s provocative, semi-autobiographical film boldly treads the thin line between drama, tragedy and black humour – often within the same scene. Winner of the Berlinale Silver Bear and multiple German Film Awards, this darkly comic epic of family dysfunction is in fact a testament to embracing life. 

Dates & Times

Mon 10 – Sun 16 Mar 

Gates open 6pm | Film starts 7.30pm

Duration 180mins




2-for-1 Tuesdays Get two tickets for $22

Festival Club membership prices available.


Somerville Auditorium, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009


  • German and English with English subtitles
  • MA15+ strong scenes and themes of suicide, dementia and addiction.
  • Film screenings are subject to weather conditions
  • Updates on any changes to the film schedule are listed by 7pm online via website and socials @perthfest

Important Update: Tonight's screening (Thu 13 Mar) at Lotterywest Films has been cancelled due to severe weather. All ticket holders will receive and automatic refund. We hope to see you back soon.

A masterpiece of shifting tonal registers, Matthias Glasner’s provocative, semi-autobiographical film boldly treads the thin line between drama, tragedy and black humour – often within the same scene. Winner of the Berlinale Silver Bear and multiple German Film Awards, this darkly comic epic of family dysfunction is in fact a testament to embracing life. 

'Death is present but there’s also a hell of a lot of living going in this enjoyably complex, character-driven drama.'
Eye for Film

More info

Silver Berlin Bear, Berlin International Film Festival 2024 

Guild Film Prize, Berlin International Film Festival 2024 

Berliner Morgenpost Reader's Jury Award, Berlin International Film Festival 2024 

Outstanding Feature Film, German Film Awards 2024 

Best Actress, German Film Awards 2024 

Best Supporting Actor, German Film Awards 2024 

Best Film Score, German Film Awards 2024 


Director Matthias Glasner
Screenwriter Matthias Glasner
Cinematographer Jakub Bejnarowicz
Cast Lars Eidinger, Corinna Harfouch, Lilith Stangenberg, Ronald Zehrfeld
Composer Lorenz Dangel
Editor Heike Gnida
Distributor/Sales Agent Palace

To find out about our venue, 2-for-1 Tuesdays, the food and drink options or anything you're not sure about, go to our FAQ's page here.

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